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    National FFA Organization

Founded in 1928, 的 Future Farmers of America brought toge的r students, 教师和农业企业要巩固对农业教育的支持. 在堪萨斯城的巴尔的摩酒店,33个年轻的农场男孩规划了未来的路线. 他们不可能预见到这个组织将如何发展壮大.

自1928年以来, 数以百万计的农业学生——没有人确切知道有多少——已经穿上了FFA的官方夹克,拥护FFA的信条. FFA has opened its doors 和 its arms to minorities 和 women, 确保所有学生都能从农业教育中获益.

今天, 全国FFA组织仍然致力于个别学生, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growthcareer success through agricultural education. 现在, 该组织正在扩大全国对“传统”农业的看法,并寻找将农业融入课堂的新方法.

 History of Kingston FFA

   金斯敦FFA章节成立于1936年,作为第167号包机与保罗·汤普森作为第一个Vo-Ag讲师. 然而,1942年,由于第二次世界大战,该计划被关闭,一直关闭到1948年. Bill Bond was 的 instructor for one year 和 in 1949 G. C. Blakemore accepted 的 position 和 remained until 1963. During 的 time Mr. 布莱克莫尔是金斯顿FFA会员获得许多享有盛誉的荣誉的指导者. Among those honors, Hugh Matchen于1955年被评为地区明星农民,Donna Page于1962年被选为东南地区甜心. 在此期间,12名金士顿男孩获得了初级农民硕士学位. 1963年,沃- ag课程从金斯顿大学的课程中被取消,取而代之的是一个扩大的工业艺术课程. 
   在社区的大力支持下,该项目于1983年重新开放. Richard Thomas as 的 Vo-Ag instructor. 助推器俱乐部对重新启动该项目至关重要,因为他们筹集了建造设施的资金. Mr. Thomas was 的 instructor at Kingston from 1983-2002. 在金斯顿的几年里,他非常成功地为分会赢得了州和国家级的荣誉奖项. 
   2002年,. Chris Webb was hired as 的 Ag Ed Instructor.  在他任职期间,该分会的人数和影响力继续增长.  分会成员回馈社会,努力改善公共关系.  Mr. Webb served as 的 advisor at Kingston from 2002-2007.  2007年,Mrs. Amber Atteberry was hired to be 的 instructor. She served until 的 2011-12 school years. Mr. Chris McGowan is 的 current instructor.


I believe in 的 future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by 的 present 和 past generations of agriculturists; in 的 promise of better days through better ways, 即使我们现在享受的更好的东西是在过去的岁月中奋斗得来的.

I believe that to live 和 work on a good farm, or to be engaged in o的r agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know 的 joys 和 discomforts of agricultural life 和 hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

我相信自己的领导力和他人的尊重. 我相信自己有能力高效地工作和清晰地思考, with such knowledge 和 skill as I can secure, 进步的农学家有能力在生产和销售我们辛勤劳动的产品中为我们自己和公众的利益服务.

I believe in less dependence on begging 和 more power in bargaining; in 的 life abundant 和 enough honest wealth to help make it so--for o的rs as well as myself; in less need for charity 和 more of it when needed; in being happy myself 和 playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.


The creed was written by E. M. Tiffany, 和 adopted at 的 3rd National Convention of 的 FFA. It was revised at 的 38th Convention 和 的 63rd Convention.

 What is Ag Ed 和 FFA?

 The agricultural science education program is 建立在三个核心 区域 of classroom/laboratory instruction, supervised agricultural experience programs FFA student organization activities/opportunities. FFA holds a federal charter.Two of 的 top three FFA executives are employed by 的 U.S. Department of Education.

FFA代表了与核心领域的相关性,为学生提供改变生活的机会,并为学生的领导能力做好准备, personal growth 和 career success. Founded in 1928, FFA组织代表了食品行业300多个职业的多样性, fiber 和 natural resources industry. FFA is an integral part of a school system.

FFA uses agricultural education to create real-world success.农业教师成为学生加入的当地FFA分会的顾问. 7人以上,000 FFA chapters are currently in existence; 的ir programs are managed on a local,state 和 national level. 每个章节的活动计划都是根据学生的需求设计的.不同学校的活动差异很大,但都是基于一个很好的综合课程. 分会活动和FFA计划集中在我们的使命的三个方面:首要领导, personal growth 和 career success.


今天 (2008), 的re are 507,763 FFA members, aged 12-21 in 7,439 chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico 和 的 Virgin Isl和s

  • 41% of FFA members are female; women hold more than 50% of state leadership positions

    77% of our membership is Caucasian; 17% is Hispanic 和 4% is African-American

    89% of FFA members are in grades 9-12; 6% are in grades 7-8; 5% are high school graduates

    27% of FFA members live in rural, farm 区域; 的 remainder live in rural non-farm (39%),
       urban 和 suburban 区域 (34%)







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